Saturday, October 20, 2012

my broken T Y

It was Ty's weekend. It just didn't go as planned.

Friday night was yet another trip to the ER.... this time it's a fractured clavicle (2 breaks) for my Ty.

It happened during Friday's practice. It was their walk through in preparation for Homecoming today.

He dove for a ball, landing on his shoulder the wrong way.

He  wasn't sure what was wrong, but the pain hit instantly.
He thought it was a separated shoulder and called me to pick him up after just a few minutes.

Jim grabbed him, ran him home and we headed up to the ER at Landstuhl. All four boys have now fractured a bone. Justin's wrist, Coleman's arm, Caden's jaw and now Ty.

It is definitely fractured with two separate breaks. They're clean, but my guy is broken. His spirit is broken well. It makes me sad to not only see my kids in pain, but to be so sad.
They sent him home with a shoulder sling, Motrin and heavy-duty pain killers. We will make a trip to ortho this week to make sure it's ok and they don't want to do anything else. It hurts to move. It hurts to use his arm at all.
Instead of playing today, he got to watch from the sidelines. It was senior recognition. It was homecoming. They won 48-7, but it was really hard to watch. It just wasn't the same without him playing.
His football season is over. He was planning to wrestle. He's not doing that either. We'll have to search to find the silver lining. I'm sure there is one.
Tonight was their Homecoming dance. Chantelle and Ty looked really, really nice.
We met as a group of friends and my friend, Mary had finger foods ready for the kids.
We dropped them off at the dance and plan to have movies and more food at our house afterwards for their small group. I love having kids over.
 It should be fun. 
Ty might be out of it, it's been a long, long twenty-four hours for us both.

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