Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kansas blows...

Literally! Moving here in July was great. I was so excited for the heat and LOVED every minute of it! We noticed immediately that there's always a cool breeze, so it didn't ever feel that HOT! It's great! We were loving it and heard from several Kansans... "Oh, yes... there's rarely a day that it's not breezy." Well, it's a crazy cold wind in the winter as we've discovered! Today, we came home to find our trampoline blown into the neighbor's yard. Guess we shouldn't have left our safety net on... wonder how many neighbors were watching (laughing) at us since we're still new to this Kansas thing!


HTF said...

As a native Kansan I saw the title to this one and had to read it. Good stuff. I feel your pain! It was awfully nice of you to share the trampoline with your neighbors!

Dana said...

Wow, that must have been some wind. Love the new website - you have been busy. Anchorage is still winter, but the sun came out and we are gaining minutes of light. whoo hooo