Saturday, February 27, 2010

IV's, Cat Scans & Blood Draws

Wow! What a long week! Wednesday, Coleman finished his antibiotic (10 days) from having strep throat, but came home from school with a sore throat. Fever kicked in quickly, so I scheduled him an appointment with the doctor, yet AGAIN! Poor guy has had strep, chest congestion and an ear infection this month alone. They drew his blood and the doctor immediately let me know I needed to take him straight to the hospital. They did a direct admit and before we knew it, he was having more blood work, an IV started, x-rays, cat scans, and we were there for the remainder of the week. With a fever and elevated white blood count (started at 32,000, 8,000-9,000 is the norm), we knew his body was fighting something- we just weren't sure what it was. Three night, four days later- we still aren't totally sure what it was, but he's improved and we're relieved to be home!

The doctor thinks has (or had) mono, or some type of bacterial infection. Same thing happened when he was just over a year old- high fever ended up being a viral infection. It's these sick times that make us SO appreciate having healthy kids! Looks about the same to us- same blankets, just a little faded.


Carinne said...

Having kids in the hospital is so hard. It makes you feel so bad and so helpless as a parent. Glad he's getting better.

Anonymous said...

At last Coleman is home from the hospital and hopefully everything can return to normal now.

Love you all,

The Dickey Family said...

That's sad and scary. Glad he is home now! We have been praying for him to stay well.

The Texas Bakers said...

Poor little guy! It's so hard when they are so sick and there is not much a mom can do. So happy he is on the mend.