Friday, October 19, 2007

Caden's at it again...

It seems that weekly, Caden has something major happen! He's a wreck!! This week, while playing cars, Coleman and Caden had a little argument. Caden called it a back hoe, Coleman said it was a front-end loader. Somehow, the track hoe ended up making tracks across Caden's face. Ouch! Poor little guy... for the majority of the time, he's pretty sweet!

Today, he scared us like never before. Jim had just gotten home and was bringing in some groceries. While making his first trip in, Coleman and Caden were hangin' out in Daddy's truck. No keys... it was off. Well, Caden decided he wanted to drive and put the gear shifter in neutral causing the truck to roll back into the neighbor's ditch. I looked out the window and SCREAMED... in a panic to see where my babies were! Luckily, they were both sitting in the front seat in the ditch full of mud. Coleman told us he said, "Caden, STOP! But, he wouldn't stop." We're afraid this isn't the last time that Caden's going to drive them both into TROUBLE!
We know we're lucky neither of them were hurt... It was a bonus that he didn't hit anything, and that our neighbors weren't upset with us!


The Dickey Family said...

My Oh My! What a day for you! I just realized the other day you left some comments on my blog that I had to approve before they could be now they are published. Still checkin' blogs in Texas!
Be careful Cayen!!

Chris,Cori said...

Holy Cow, race car drives already!!! I bet those boys were scared when it started rolling. I am glad they are ok. Hope you all are well. Talk soon, Cori