It never seemed to be much of a positive attribute. In fact, I think I always took it in a negative way.
Until living here, I'm not sure I even knew anything positive about Germans- the society as a whole.
I don't know what percentage of my being is German, or even how high up the ancestors are on the family tree.
I never really knew what that meant not did I have much interest in studying family history to learn more or dig deeper.
For some reason, I'm starting to feel a real connection to Germany and the Germans like I never thought I would feel.
For the first time in {probably} my whole life, I really want to know more about my relatives my from Germany. I want to know villages or cities they lived in. I want to know names. I want to know their stories. I want to visit the places they lived so many years ago.
From early-childhood memories of my grandpa, I'd guess he was about 99% German- that might be a conservative guess, haha.
From my young eyes- he was practical, routine and even a bit gruff.
The practical and simple nature of this country is one of the things that I like the most. I'm drawn to it.
On a walk this week, I came across this bench. They're all over- this little bench definitely isn't unique to the woods of Germany.
Practical? Definitely. No fancy design or materials were used.
It also looked like something that my grandpa would throw up with a spare log and a couple of bolts. Yep, we're German.
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