Jim had a double dose of school with a course during the days {for work} and a one-week intensive course {University of Oklahoma} at night as he's plugging away at his Master's degree.
With a pre-course writing assignment {12-14 pages long}, class every week night from 6-9:30 and all day Saturday and Sunday from 8-4:30 with quizzes included, then a post-course writing assignment- he's been working!
To make matters worse, the title of this course {that he registered for on his own} is "Democracy and Democracies," a subject that doesn't interest either of us.
We had another one of those deep spouse-to-spouse chats {that we often have} this week about making decisions without the other's input.
This is one of those times, and I think the lesson was learned.
We are in the midst of changing his major from International Relations to Human Relations and I picked out his next course- Helping Relationships. Sounds much more interesting, don't you agree?
Lady also had a rough week as she had surgery yesterday to remove a mast on her leg. She's fine, but hobbling around a bit.
The little guys can't understand why she had to be shaven and why she has staples in her. I think the little patch of hair they shaved on her front leg for her iv is kinda sweet.
Poor baby.
She had the plastic collar thing off in about 10 seconds flat. so we've had to monitor her extra closely to make sure she doesn't lick or mess with her site. Boxers are known for not only their escape tactics and being smart but also for being extremely stubborn. She fits all three.
For now, we'll pamper her a little. She still loves her fireplace.
{As if she's not spoiled a little as it is...}
Up this weekend: relaxing with the boys. Is that possible?
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