Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Dentist's Chair

There are a few things that I'm not fond of (heights, winter cold, curry), but only a couple things that terrify me. One of those is visiting the dentist. I'm not sure why. I always had regular cleanings and exams growing up. I had the same dentist most of my life- he was a nice guy. I brush regularly, no major problems.

With a little encouragement, I finally scheduled myself for a long overdue cleaning and exam. While sitting in the chair, th
e thought crossed my mind (again) that I'd would have rather been in labor having another baby than sitting there.
It went fine- I survived.
Anyhow, I'm realizing it's much easier (for me) to schedule my kids for these appointments, than take the time for myself. As moms, it's easy to put ourselves last but, need to take care of these things too
! I'm going to work on this...
Caden and Coleman had their cleanings this week as well- Caden's first. I wanted to start them early so hopefully, they don't end up with the fear that their momma has!
I actually ended up holding Caden the whole time in the chair. Luckily, he was pretty excited by the end and said next time he'll sit alone!


Jody said...

I love the new side pics! :)
Oh and I would rather give birth anyday then go to the dentist, I have no idea how come, but i can't stand going!

Unknown said...

I'm terrified of the dentist, too! Fortunately I got my girls started early with wonderful pediatric dentists. Now they see my dentist and they both LOVE to go. But I'm still terrified!