Tuesday, October 18, 2011

bitte W H A T ?

So. I have this envelope to mail off to a German company. After asking a German friend to look it over to make sure I understood the form, I painfully filled it out- translating line by line to make sure it was right.


Now, to mail it. Easy enough, right? Nope.

I read the bitte freimachen in the corner. I know bitte is please. Frei is free and machen is to do. What the heck? I went to trusty Google translator.

The translation: please free up.

What does that have to do with postage? Postage paid or not? I couldn't figure it out. Why is such a silly thing so difficult?

In the end, I tracked our landlord down. She looked at it and told me to add a stamp. Then, I had to ask her where to buy one. This is life in a foreign country- lots of learning going on here.

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