Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Daddy's Boy

If there's anyone in this world who comes close to loving my husband as much as I do... right now, it has to be our little Caden Luke. Usually, Mondays are extra hard on him when daddy has to go back to work. When daddy is around, Caden is usually glued to him, which is just fine with me! He wants his daddy to do everything... including wipe his booty, put him to bed, feed him, give him his bath... it's great!
Today was another one of those difficult mornings. As soon as he realized daddy was at work, he had another melt down. Last week, he locked himself in the bathroom for an hour. Today, he just cried next to the door. He doesn't just cry- he sobs! It's so sad. There never is a happier kid than Caden once daddy comes home!


Anonymous said...

Awww...I love the melt-downs.haha As weird as this sounds, I kinda miss having those little kid moments around me. Great pic too! What a perfect capture of the real deal. : )

Chris,Cori said...

We must have the same problem going on in our homes, go figure! Elijah is 4 also. He just balws his eyes out and gets very emotional over Chris leaving and going to work and is so happy when he comes home every evening. Mondays are always hard on him here also. Thank goodness mommy gives him all her attention and what ever breakfast and his favorite tv show's on NickJr. to help ease the pain of being left behind! I feel your pain. I feel so bad for him and it kills Chris too.