Our Little Tough Guy
Our poor baby! After a morning home working, we finally got out of the house and headed to the pool. Caden's so proud of himself that he puts his head under all the way- loves to go swimming. I had just finished slathering the sunscreen (50 spf for my little white boys) and Caden split his chin open on the edge of the pool. He wasn't even in the pool a minute. Another injury- another scar. I think he has more crying and hurt photos than the other three boys combined. His bruises, bloodies and crashes keep us worried for what's next. No doubt, he's our fearless daredevil. Good thing he's the baby. If he was first, I'm sure we would have been turned in for child abuse by now!
This deep gash across his chin resulted in 5 stitches. Jim
didn't do so well watching his little guy in pain. As they were stitching him up, Caden just cried, "It's burning, mom," " hold me dad". I'm usually the one who gets weak and can't handle hearing details or watching any kind of medical anything. Much to my delight, the doctor even asked today if I was a nurse- since I held myself together so well, I'm assuming! Jim's still in disbelief- I just laughed. He was too weak to defend himself. He was upset as soon as we got to the clinic- he wanted to go back to the pool. Instead, he grabbed his bike the minute we arrived home. Crazy little guy.Happy Birthday Uncle Seth!!
Caden - Grandma is looking at your split chin and I'm wondering how come your mom has a camera in her hands!!
Hope it feels better already. I'll bet getting your bike made it feel better. You are a tough guy but you've gotta be careful, you are making really old people of you mom and dad and g'ma and g'pa!!
Oh poor little guy!!! He really keeps you on your toes, eh?
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