Monday, June 9, 2008

Dark Clouds

We're still having severe weather... as they call it in Kansas and throughout the Midwest. Thunderstorms that shake our house, flashes of lightening that light up the sky and rain that keeps our backyard swamp nice and full! We had our first tornado warning over the weekend and actually went to our shelter. No damage here, but it was a little nerve wracking! I wasn't too nervous until Jim let me know it suddenly was calm outside (he could see out the peek hole). I didn't know if that was the calm before the storm... or what! Luckily, it had passed!

1 comment:

Chris,Cori said...

You are crazy girl! Chris say's you can tell she is from Alaska:) I guess because I lived in Grand Forks, North Dakota, Omaha, Nebraska, Cheyenne, Wyoming and many other not to mention now San Antonio who is the almost the start of tornado alley I would have stayed inside! I have watched so many tornado's in my time. Crazy I know. Just be safe, and when the clouds have circler motion like the one on you site. RUN! I love ya girl. You crack me up. I am sorry to see the flooding thou. Here we are in a drout and you have to much rain. Talk to you soon, Your friend, Cori