Friday, September 21, 2007

A bit of sheetrock!

From completely unfinished, to framed and now sheetrocked... here's our basement! We're going to eventually put some kind of countertop on the cabinets for a work area. The corner is going to be our office and my work area for my vinyl. The bathroom is right there, too. Plus, the big closet that Justin calls, "just a closet." On the other side of that wall is our pantry area and space for canning along with our utility room/tornado shelter. It's all so open and light!
Jim and I have a hot "weekend date" down there... playing in the mud! Should be loads of fun! I really can't wait. I'm so excited to work on it! With so much dust and mud flying, there's really no reason for me to clean or dust upstairs, right?

1 comment:

Dana said...

Hi Sheila

The room is going to be a great place - look at all that space and I am sure with all those boys you will appreciate all the work involved. Love your vinyl business - or it is just a hobby?, very unique and I would like to know prices - do you just do the letter or the wood boards too? I love the family blessing board and need to know how much. My sister in law is getting married - perfect gift.