Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our Mighty Oaks and Maples

Once summer finally rolls around, Alaskans step up to the plate and savor every minute of the daylight and sun. With long winters and short summers, you have to get out an enjoy the sun while it's shining. It's so short-lived if you don't- you'll miss it! It is the norm to abandon everything in the house to spend the day outside if the weather is nice.

The problem I'm having right now is I'm not in Alaska anymore, but can't seem to shake this mindset! I find myself intrigued with the weather and with warm days, it feels like I should be outside to enjoy every minute of it. That would be fine if I was on top of things and didn't need to work or clean every day! I don't have the excuses any more that accompany a short summer... "Sorry, I didn't make dinner... it was nice outside," or "I couldn't possibly clean today... it was too nice to be inside!" I'm wondering how long it is going to take me to adjust to having to clean and make dinner even when it's above 80 degrees! So hard when I feel the constant tugging to work in the yard!

This week, we've been working on planting our trees... seedlings, that is. We ordered them from KU- the cooperative extension. It's a great way to be able to afford buying trees when you need a bunch. We bought 75... sawtooth oaks, northern oaks and maples. We'll probably be 80 when they're tall enough to enjoy them...but, we're excited anyway! They've actually got buds on them... so they're on the right track! I had to add this bottom picture to put the size in perspective! Look closely, or you'll miss it...They're only 18" - 24" now, but should grow 2-4 feet a year...

1 comment:

The Dickey Family said...

75? That sounds like a small forest!:)