Saturday, July 19, 2008

Camping in Style

We decided last weekend to get away for a little Kansas camping. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate and we cut our trip short. Too much rain, too much mud. However, it was camping like I've never known. Having only camped in the rugged Alaska outdoors, this was crazy to me! At the same time, enjoyable- we can't wait to go again! Here's my quick list of differences...

1. A/C v. Sweatshirts
We rented a camper and the man really stressed how great the AC was... I didn't think too much of it, but wow! I don't know if I could camp now without it now! In AK, I don't think you go camping without a sweatshirt- even in mid-summer. No sweatshirts, or socks for that matter here! Have I mentioned how much I love this weather? 90's + this week... heaven! Coleman is showing his Grandma that he still knows how to drink out of a bottle... she taught him well.
2. Camper v. Tent
I know there are campers in AK, but I mostly have camped in tents. How nice... a toilet, shower, microwave and of course the AC. It was great. It almost didn't feel like camping. We were at our site not even three hours and Jim was ready to give the little guys their bath. I had to laugh... we both like our kids clean, but I could have let them go a day without being we were camping. It worked- their daddy gave them a shower! I took my shower soon after so I can't really make fun of him.

3. Sheets v. Sleeping bags
Along with the camper came a queen size bed. A real bed. I had to pack sheets, and didn't even use a sleeping bag. Yes, I did line the mattress with a blanket first... but, the sheets felt pretty good. We threw the boys in sleeping bags, of course.
4. Salmon v. Catfish or Bass or whatever else is down here
I've done a little bit of fishing in my life, but never heard of just casting, then setting the pole down until the fish bite. Guess that's the difference when you're not expecting salmon or halibut to pull you in. I've always had a death grip on any pole I've used. The fishing wasn't great, but the boys had fun. If you didn't notice, the boys are holding up the same fish... the same little fish their dad caught!
5. Light v. Dark
After getting the little guys to sleep, the big boys and Jim headed out to fish. How funny to have it dark and have to take a lantern. Camping in AK is never dark. Dusky for a little bit, but not ever dark, dark. Another strange thing... it was dark and warm at the same time. 6. Moose v. Cows?
No moose down here. The boys (Justin) were still a little nervous driving by these cows. We did see some deer, but the cows are abundant! They're still pretty cool looking!


The Dickey Family said...

Glad you all had fun! I think a camper is the way to go..less hassle plus more relaxation time. However, tent camping has really taught us patience and team work a which I am grateful for. One of these days we may get one...:)

Dana said...

I am totally with you on the camper idea - I think I started packing on tuesday for a weekend outing and still forgot some little things - salt & pepper. spatula. With a camper - its all stocked and ready to hitch up and go. Plus you have a bit more protection from bears. We are looking for an Outback trailer at the end of the season and since we are planning on remodeling next summer we will need a place to stay - so dual use. Looks like you are all having a great summer.