Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Playset

I'm a lucky gal. My husband is everything I ever wanted and more. I always wanted a man who could figure things out and fix anything. He does. While single, I used to say that if I was stranded anywhere, I'd want to be with one of my brothers. They just know how to fix things and I love that quality. Now, of course I'd welcome being stranded with my hubby...

Even better than being able to fix anything, he does my little projects any time without any reservations. And, he doesn't procrastinate on anything. I'm a bit spoiled and I know it. This project... I wanted a swingset. I've always wanted a big swingset and think every kid needs one in their backyard. We're not within walking distance to any parks, so that was even more reason! Needless to say, my hubby delivered and after a few long days (with Justin and Ty's help) in 90+ degree weather, he put together the boy's new playset. Didn't help that the directions and measurements were way off... but, he managed to figure it out. I just love it. Thanks honey... you're so good!


Dana said...

great minds think alike. My wonderful hubby also built a playset this past weekend. The kids love it. Just wish we had a nice open space for it, like your area - we will fix that eventually.

Jody said...

I am so jealous! My kids would love this! It's very nice... I love how you titled it "my" playset :)