Thursday, February 24, 2011

like a D A U G H T E R

I woke up this morning to more snow falling- still feeling a little worked up over our house inspection we received yesterday. I decided to keep it light today and announced {to my precious little Caden} that we were going to clean. You would think it was his lucky day. The kid absolutely LOVES to clean, I don't understand it. I know I've blogged about this before, but it's truly unbelievable and I live with him! He's normally very energetic {as mentioned earlier- a little Justin} but with an announcement like cleaning- he steps up to a whole new level of craziness.

I told him I was going to vacuum, immediately he let me know he was on the "pledging and windexing" and had everything out and ready to go. I usually can't let him know I'm going to do something until right when I'm ready to start otherwise, he'll nag until I drop everything and get on it. Oh, he's going to make a wonderful husband one day. Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, windows, laundry- he loves it all.

While baking my one batch of cookies a few weeks back {the batch that took forever to finish up} I had the thought to take some out to our landlords. Good ole' Johannes and Rosa. I saw them out in the back yard and thought it would be the nice thing to do. I'm still trying to get over them taking total advantage of us- thought this might help soften my heart.

Caden was helping me, so we packed up a bag of yummy, soft snickerdoodles and headed out back. I told Jim we wouldn't be too long since our conversations are rather short! They thanked us for the cookies. He was practicing his fly fishing {yes, out on the grass} casting and reeling it in. He really is entertaining to watch.

So, I talked to Rosa for a few minutes. Oh, Rosa. Remember, they speak no English so it comes down to my German. We talked about the weather, then she asked me if Caden was in Kindergarten. I tried to explain no, he just turned five... he's home with me.

I continued to say how great he was and what a huge helper he is around the house. I like having him home. How he loves to vacuum... clean... any word I could remember in German. Johannes said he had seen Caden washing windows and thought it was funny. Well, he laughed any way.

Then, Rosa said, "He's just like a daughter." I had no problem translating that- I knew exactly what she said. The very liberal part of me wanted to say in response, "Excuse me... did you just say what I think you said? No, he's my son who happens to clean because boys can clean just as well as girls can..." But, I didn't. I'm not sure I said anything at all.

I was a little shocked especially hearing this from a woman. Although I'm pretty sure my G'pa never cleaned or cooked, I was raised with a dad who wasn't afraid to clean anything and a husband who helps in every aspect of our home. My brothers cleaned every bit as much as I did.

After thinking about it for a minute, I realized this is just how they are. I also think this is another area to us that this culture seems way behind the times. I'd be willing to guess {especially with them being older} the men work and the women clean and cook. Maybe it's even more of a male-dominated culture in Khasikstan, {where they are from}. I would guess the German culture is similar. I do know it's not just a cultural difference, but a generational difference on top of it. Here, perhaps its both.

I've wondered if the newer generations of little German kids are taught that the men work and women do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, babies... As much as I like to clean and cook, I'm afraid I wouldn't have done too well as a subservient wife with a dominant husband afraid to get his hands wet in dishwater. Just wouldn't have happened- I'm way too outspoken.

In our house, I'm the one who is home right now so of course, I do the majority of the cleaning, laundry and cooking. If Jim's gone all day at work, I like to have a nice meal ready when he returns home. I actually like the mom-at-home role and always have.

When I was working tons of hours a week, {even from home} there was no way I could keep up with everything. Jim stepped in {willingly} and we did it all together. Even with me not working right now, he still cooks and cleans. I know I'm a lucky girl. He has never had a problem doing any of it. If he did- that's where I think we'd have a problem.

My boys {not just Caden} are going to know how to run a household. They might not all smile and love it as much as Caden does, but they will do it. Especially after talking to Rosa, I am even more convinced my sons will not have the attitude that the woman's place is cleaning and cooking! It's not an option- it's real life.

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