Wednesday, December 28, 2011

lots of O P T I O N S

I'm not feeling great today. Not super sick, just not great. Justin and I somehow managed to avoid the bug that everyone else caught this month. I haven't had a cold in a year- I think.

Jim convinced me to get into the clinic- something I avoid if at all possible. Maybe, they could zap whatever is zapping me. Congestion that's moved into my chest, coughing, blah.

So, I called. I hate calling the clinic. She let me know she didn't have anything available for today. Could I make it tomorrow? No, I can't. Tomorrow- we're heading down to Stuttgart for Justin's basketball tournament. She then offered me January 5th.

What? January 5th? Nope- I intend to have this knocked out long before January 5th. Like, tomorrow.

So, using my nicest voice possible {as opposed to the "please-work-with-me-right-now" voice}- I asked if I had any other options. Could I see a German doctor on the economy? Could I go to the other hospital?

This was her response:

"No. I've already given you many options which you've turned down. I can put in a phone consult with a nurse." Ok. I turned down tomorrow's appointment and kind of laughed off the option of January 5th. But, many options? Seriously?

The nurse has 72 hours to return my phone call. This is probably why I hate calling the clinic. I'll keep sipping my ginger tea. And being sick-ish. Moms don't have time to be sick.

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