The team spent Friday night in lodging on base, then showered after the meet at the high school. From the locker room, they got right back on the bus for an all-night drive back. Looks a little sleepy.
While he did well in his events, his season is over. I'm proud of him for pushing through. I know he would have liked to have given up at times with the pain from his shin splints, but he toughed it out. Now, we can hopefully get him healthy and ready for football season which seems to be just around the corner.
It was crazy to think of him being so far away in a completely new country. Kind of new for me {still} to read the list of things he needed including both Euro and his passport. Last weekend, Holland. This weekend, England. Jim in Croatia. This is the adventure we're here for.
Talked in to it at the last minute, Justin decided to skip England and go to his Junior/Senior Prom instead. Not without a little drama before hand {next time, I think he'll get his shoes ready... } I think he had a great time as well.
His circle of friends went as a group- most of them buying their own ticket. One of the moms hosted a very nice dinner with all of the kids at her house before hand. With Justin and one other friend driving, they loaded up in the two vans and headed off to the dance.
I was surprised he walked in the door at 3:30 or so, super sick. He grabbed the puke bowl and headed to bed. Hopefully, he wasn't miserable the whole night and can sleep it off today. Maybe a little too much stress for my kid with a sensitive tummy.
Can't wait for him to get up to hear details.
I am very happy to have them both home. Even for just a night without my big boys- it was strange to me. As much as I sometimes I feel like I need a little space, I think like {love} the craziness of my boys all around me even better.
Now, I just need to get my husband back.
Somehow, the little guys always seem to get these big girls to play with them... Shooting hoops in their prom dresses. They miss playing football with Jess and Jordan!
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