Thursday, April 7, 2011

don't S M I L E

What is wrong with this picture? We had a crazy experience yesterday- another one to chalk up to this Germany culture. In order to travel Europe, we needed to get our International driver's licenses. We have the one for Germany, but you have to apply for the International one. We've had it on our list of "to-do's" and decided yesterday to knock it off.

We got the signed/stamped paper from the base and headed to the picture booth {at the BX} for Jim to get passport pictures taken. We only needed one each for our new license. I had a left over one from getting our passports done, so we just needed to do his. As soon as his was taken, I said he looked SO mean- he has quite the scowl on his face. Whatever- it would work. We printed it and were on our way.

I was actually quite happy not to have my picture taken again.While this isn't the best picture, I still had a little tan from Kansas. Who likes getting license pictures, anyway? Everything about them is terrible.

We then headed over to the DMV {?} place Kusel- the largest city near our village. It's all based on your residence. I was SURE we had things all together. We had our papers/ID's/German licenses/photo and Euro so we could pay. Unless you're right on base or some of the close shops next to base- you have to have Euro cash- no credit cards accepted. So, we always have to remind ourselves to have it.

We get to the very unfriendly German chick's desk to get our license issued and she said she could not do mine because.... I am smiling in my picture. True story. I couldn't have made that up if I tried. She flat out turned me down. Jim had his issued, I had to go and get a new picture taken today {minus the smile} and drive back out there. I do now have an International Driver's License with perhaps the worst picture I've taken in my life.

Do you know how hard it is to take a picture when someone says, "Don't smile" ? Jim said- we should have known something was going to be held up or wrong- this is Germany. Ugh.

Nope, I can't post a picture of my new non-smiling picture... it really is that horrible. Only the officer that might have to stop me while driving through Europe will get to see it. Until then, it might need to stay tucked away.

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