Thursday, February 7, 2008

Almost out of diapers... YEAH!

As a mom, the simpliest things just make you so happy... for me right now, it's pee in the potty! I can't seem to get my little guys to sleep through the night... but, potty training them has been the easiest stage, yet. Coleman potty trained in a day, never wet the bed once and holds it for 14 hours from time to time. He's a one-of-a-kind kid-for sure. We decided last week to start working with Caden. I was sure he'd take a year to potty train as stubborn as he is. We almost held off thinking that he's still a little young since he just turned 2 in October. To our surprise, he's been so easy, too! It's great to see the end of diapers... forever! He's been dry for most of the week and we've gone two whole days with no poopy pants... YEAH! The only problem now is too many boys peeing in this house... can't seem to keep any of my bathrooms clean. Oh well, guess it's cheaper and better to clean bathrooms than change diapers! I shouldn't complain!


Dana said...

whoo hooo on potty training. Since I have 2 poor aimers, I keep a bottle of bleach right by the toilet.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little jealous!