Monday, February 25, 2008

Infant Swimming

My friend, Teresa sent me this link to watch this amazing video. I was going to forward it, but decided to just post it- it really is incredible.

Prepare to be AMAZED! A “waterproofed” toddler, barely 1 year old, follows a ball into a pool. ‘Bet it will put a lump in your throat! Be sure to watch the final 10 seconds of the video.


Dana said...

amazing - very impressive that a baby can do that. And you are right about the last 10 sec. when the lil guy is crying for help - I was like -ok, get in there. So glad they showed the daddy coming in and how happy both were. Mind if I post it on my blog?

Anonymous said...

I saw this on TV a long time ago and was just amazed that babies could learn this. Definitely a great thing.