Friday, February 22, 2008

My Honey

Now that I've done it right, I really LOVE being married. I think it's amazing being married to the right person and feel like my life is a bit of a fairy tale (... the single mom determined to be independent and on her own without a man to mess up her life... by chance meets the man of her dreams... sweeps her off her feet... they have more kids, a house, a life... five years later, it just gets better every day... kind of story)

It hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday. One of the reasons I really love my husband- he does the things that I hate to do. I don't know if he always means to do this, he just does. He cleans up puke when the kids are sick- something I can't do without throwing up myself. He wipes out the microwave- there's never time for this as I'm trying to get breakfast/lunch or dinner on the table. He unloads the dishwasher. I think loading it is fine, but get so irritated as I try to load it up only to find a full dishwasher of clean dishes. I have to stop what I'm doing... take out the clean ones- such a hassle. He pulls furniture out when he vacuums. I'm lucky to just run the vacuum through the house twice a week. Deep clean? Forget it. He grocery shops... and boy, does he do a great job. I have to encourage him to keep to the list. I rarely even go to a store- gotta love that.

Yesterday, Jim went to get something out of the fridge and noticed how dirty it was. Without thinking or saying anything- he rolled up his sleeves, filled the sink with bleach and water, emptied the fridge out (even the trays), washed it and put it all back together. I hate cleaning out the fridge. Hate seeing what leftovers are hidden in the back. To me, it's not a fun job. I'd rather scrub toilets.

Today, I have a clean fridge and an even deeper love for my husband.

My list could go on and on... but, more than anything it's making me wonder how many things am I doing to make his life easier? What things does he hate to do? I really think this is a key to a deep and fulfilling marriage.

1 comment:

The Dickey Family said...

We really do have good husbands! Josh is always serving me in the home. I laugh because he folds laundry for me( inside peeve of mine!) but it is folded and clean. Today, he said "Look, I folded them the way you like!!"
That is love!:)