First, my bulbs are coming up. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. Doing anything with the little guys is an experience. Some are easier than others to just let go and let them have fun learning. Our bulb planting in November was one of those times that I really wish I could do alone, but of course they had to be in the middle of the action. I carefully mapped out my strips of dirt and which colored bulbs would go where- it looked great on paper. I was so careful to keep them separate- for about the first 15 minutes- until I gave up and just let Coleman & Caden go for it. I was hopeful that out of the 150 bulbs we put in the dirt at least one would make it. Now, I know at least a few made it- YEAH!
Second, it's only February and my bulbs are coming up! I just happened to look over at one area this morning while running out to the mailbox and caught a glimpse. Heck, they could have broken ground a couple weeks ago, which would have been mid-February. In my Alaska mindset, I wasn't even thinking that I should be checking already for signs of Spring. Yesterday, it was about 72 degrees outside, and yards already look like they're raked. I can't figure out if 1. Kansans don't have to rake in the Spring, 2. it just looks raked because there isn't a ton of gravel and garbage on the grass from 6 months of sanding icy roads and tons of snow, or 3. this is normal for Spring. Tomorrow is March and it really is Spring. Crazy thing is everyone here says this has been one of the worst winters in a long time. It felt pretty mild to us. One of Justin's teachers said... "Leave it to Alaska (a.k.a Justin) to bring winter to Kansas. Hey, we'll take this kind of winter any day... especially to see bulbs in February!
Isn't Spring wonderful. Your flowerbeds are going to be beautiful.
Love, love, love spring! My daffodils are starting to bloom and it's beautiful. I hope you didn't get sick...Mark got the flu (as in influenza, not a stomach flu thank goodness!) last week and Alyssa got it this week...I hope Brie and I don't get it. I hope you managed to avoid the flu going around your family!
Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement! I may have roses, but I don't have bulbs...miss my Utah yard again!
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