Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I love to read- always have. The question burning in my mind this week is, "when does a mom have time to read?" I can't figure it out. I've just checked out a great book that I've been waiting for a year to read. I couldn't get myself to pay for it (only in hardback) when it came out. I then waited for my library to get it, but that takes a while. I finally got the library here to do an intra-library loan (GREAT resource!) so, my book is from Kansas City. Jim had the great idea that reading at night might help me sleep better since I can't get my mind to shut down.

The last time I read a book was on the beach in Hawaii, and the time before that I'm sure I was nursing a baby spending 12 hrs a day in the rocking chair. I couldn't get up. This time around I'm really enjoying it, but the boys sure can pull me away from it. I tried reading in the morning and not only did I not make much progress, I didn't get anything else done. Seems if I don't run through and clean in the mornings, it doesn't happen. I've tried in the afternoon while the little guys were having a "quiet" time watching a movie. For some reason, it's really hard to read when you're interrupted every five minutes. I tried to ignore them, but in the end they won- I quit reading. Right now, I'd love to read but Coleman is still sleeping (in MY bed) and I wouldn't dare go get my book at the risk of waking him up. By the time I get to bed at night and Jim falls asleep I've make it five or ten minutes and my eyes are burning. Starting a book has helped me sleep better, but now I just want to see what happens and finish it.

My book is In An Instant- Lee & Bob Woodruff. It's about their love mixed with his journalism and being hit by an explosive in Iraq. Of course, I love journalism and a good love story. Don't tell me what happens if you read it- I'll get to the end one of these days.

This picture was his skull after the IED went off and the rocks in his skull. Absolutely amazing that he's alive.


Anonymous said...

I watched them on Oprah once he had recovered and it was a great show. You can tell they have a very loving relationship.

The Dickey Family said...

During their naptime is a good time...just keep that book close!! Sometimes I have hard time sleeping when I have been to busy or have just had too much interaction with people during the day. My mind wants to replay every conversation. A friend of mine suggested journaling before bed and I have. Now I mostly make sure I have time to relax and wind down. "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Myer has also helped me to just "turn it off". :)