Wednesday, December 8, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4, 5... ready or not

The boys had a great game of hide-and-go-seek over the weekend. I'm pretty sure the big guys had more fun than the little guys. Kept all four of them entertained for a solid two hours, which isn't always so easy to do! When it was Coleman & Caden's turn to hide, Justin and Ty would count then yell "Ready?" Without fail, the little guys would give away their hiding places yelling back with a huge, "READY." Ahhh... so much fun! Caden fit well in this cupboard (Justin's idea), then Ty decided to squeeze in. The door actually closed- Justin didn't fit quite as well! With no TV, they're definitely coming up with other things to occupy the time.

1 comment:

Mac and Starr said...

And they look so stylish with their slippers too! : )