Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ty's German S N O W M A N

Oh, my sweet Ty has so missed the snow! He's my one kid who misses Alaska weather. The rest of us- not so much! It's still snowing- the wet snowball kind of snow. We took the scary drive in to town last night for Coleman's music program; Ty stayed home- outside the entire time working on his snowman. He made the snowballs in back and carried them up our steep side to be able to set his snowman up in front. He was tired! He also had time (with Caden as his partner) to have a snowball fight with our new (German side) neighbors. I'm sure they're happy to see us move in, haha! Ty's bloody noses have returned along with winter, but he wouldn't let that stop construction on his mega-man. Today is a snow day, so I'm sure he's going to put the finishing touches on him. Plus, I hear there may be a SnowTay in the making... I think we shoveled maybe a couple times (total) in the three years we spent in Kansas. Oh, not the case here. We have read it's the law to keep your sidewalk clean. After meeting new neighbors (across the street) last night, we learned these Germans are no joke. They had the police show up at their door to let them know they better shovel or they'd be given a ticket. Guess we won't wait for our household goods (including 3 shovels from Alaska) to show up... we'll be buying one ASAP. As expensive as it is here, we definitely can't afford a ticket!

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