As I asked her, her response went something like this, "Sheila... Sheila... Sheila. It is your garden. You can do WHATEVER you would like with it. No problem." She could have meant, "Sheila- quit being paranoid- it's ok, just do it." or "Quit asking me... it's ok, just relax." Whatever she's thinking- she was still so kind. She kind of laughs at me. I did managed to hold back the tears this time. I'm getting better.
So, we bought it.
The family we bought the trampoline from sold it so cheap because we had to take it apart- way worth it for us at this point and time. This weekend, we also just found a brand-new basketball hoop on the used site that we bought for super cheap.
Jim put up on the garage to replace the old one that was broken.
Again, we asked Alexandra if it would be ok since we thought it was her brother's garage. She laughed and said, "This is my garage. NO problem- go right ahead."
I'm so happy.
Working out in our new yard today, I think we all agreed that our little Ladybug has missed having a yard perhaps more than any of the rest of us. She ran maybe thirty {30} laps around half of the yard and spent the rest of the time checking things out. I'm so happy.
With fencing on three sides- it's wonderful to let her go! She's so dang fast and loves to run. This video posted below is probably after twenty laps- she was already slowing down.
With our old landlords {note the lack of use of their name} she barked and went crazy every single time. One day while we lived there Coleman opened the door with the grumpy Frau outside. By the time I made it to the door, she was hiding behind the garbage can to get away from Lady as Lady stood at the door barking with her hair standing up on end.
She's a little afraid of men {definitely WAY better than she was when we rescued her two years ago} but, has never reacted to a woman with growling and barking as much as she did every time with her. She never stopped barking- never eased up.
I think it helps my stress immensely that Alexandra likes dogs and likes her. The worry and anxiety that I have carried is GONE. Here, our little Lady has never barked once at Alexandra. Not once. She's been over a handful of times both knocking at the door and walking all around the house- inside. Lady just looks at her, wags her tail and can't get enough of her.
Is it true that dogs can tell good from evil? I know she feeds off my vibe, but perhaps she knows a little more. I'd like to think so.
1 comment:
Awwwww. I miss our LadyBug. She is such a good dog.
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