Sunday, January 2, 2011

the S U N was out

Oh, blue skies. We woke up this morning to sunshine- something we haven't seen much of here! It's gone now, but felt so nice while it lasted. We still have a bit of snow on the ground, but it's quite cloudy and dark most days. Sunset has been somewhere around 4:30, but by 4:00 it already feels darker. Sunrise is around 8:00am, or even later. Feels a lot like Alaska, I just hope the summers follow suite with long days.

Here's a look at the front and back sides of the house we're living in. We still feel grateful that we were able to find a place close enough to base that would allow us to have {so many kids} and a dog. It's a modest house. An older, remodeled house- nothing special. Our rent alone {not including utilities} is close to $2000 USD per month. While this is pretty normal for this area, it seems like a lot for what you get {or don't get}- especially after all the extras we had in Kansas. We actually do want to move on base- something we never thought we'd say, but the wait list is 12 -18 months long. Maybe something will open up sooner than later- we'll have to wait and see... We're hoping it's a good week... should get our van, our household goods and Internet set up all this week. Plus, the boys are back in school {not so exciting for them}.
A little wildlife.. for Grandpa Mike to check out!
** click on photos to enlarge them for a closer look **

1 comment:

Mac and Starr said...

With all this down time you sure are getting good at blogging! Love seeing what it's like for you will be much better in person though!