He absolutely had to vacuum them {both} out- the van yesterday, today the car. It's been probably a whole week since he last did it.
Along with every other kind of work... this kid LOVES vacuuming out the cars. A bit like his daddy, he takes out the mats and throws away the trash if any has been left behind. So thorough for a five-year-old, we just know he'll make a great husband if anyone can keep up with him. Today, he apologized to me for not getting to the windows. This is what he does for fun, how crazy is that?
As frustrated as I get with him as he buzzes non stop, it's hitting me that an end is in sight of having my baby home! Today, I pre-registered the boys for school in the fall- all four of them! He's finally decided he's excited for school and ready to go. Good thing since he doesn't have a choice.
It's full-day kindergarten here, so he'll get on the bus with the big boys and come home on the bus as well. I'd probably be freaking out about this if I had to send him off alone. With Justin, Tyler and Coleman I think he'll be fine.
What in the world am I going to do with an empty house ALL day... just Lady and I? Pretty sure we'll be ok...
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